Wednesday, February 28, 2007

At the brink...

A new challenge awaits! Friday will be the first day in a totally new act of science. Friday will be the start of a 5 week period in which I'll be making different kinds of inorganic structures, complexes and coordinations. I'll be working with some hazardous chemicals and extreme conditions (eg. 1000 degrees Celsius). But...

Tomorrow I'll be visiting the PAC Symposium. This is a conference organised by four chemistry study associations and will be held in Utrecht. Speakers will be giving lectures about topics related to Boiling Points (as in Chemistry and the MTV TV-program). It will also feature a speaker originating from Hungary, who will discuss Boiling Points in chemistry and politics. After the lectures there will be a informal drink and dinner. I'm sure I'll post a summary of the event very soon.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Deviant Art

Ha, today I've trashed my old Deviant Art account and uploaded the most recent creations to a new one. This new one will also be linked from this blog in the menu. On this account you'll be able to see the posters I've made for the CDL, as well as other creations such as wallpapers (if I'm going to make some again). I hope you can appreciate my mediocre designing skills.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Japie's Yearbook

I wanted to share the piece I've written for Japie's Yearbook. Like the rest of the book, it's written in Dutch. Japie is short for Jan Pieter Minckelers, which is one of the sister associations of the CDL. They are located in Eindhoven and this year they celebrate their 50th anniversary.

Bij licht ontvlambaar zou je kunnen denken aan studenten die terwijl ze een feest hebben bij een andere vereniging op een eenvoudige wijze aan te steken zijn tot het veiligstellen van een gastenboek of pedelstaf. Op het moment dat het verzoek van Japie de oren van het CDL bestuur bereikte was er echter een heel andere thema ‘hot’.

Het is namelijk zo dat de mascotte van de ‘Chimica acta Lugduni’ bestaat uit een negental organische atomen welke zo gerangschikt zijn dat deze een zeer licht ontvlambare stof vormen. De ontvlambaarheid van de stof komt ten uiting in het feit dat ze reeds bij een temperatuur van 12° Celsius genoeg dampen afgeeft om tot ontbranding te kunnen komen. Deze stof wordt vaak gestigmatiseerd tot alcohol, maar wij Leidsche chemici noemen haar liever ethanol. Omdat ethanol niet klinkt als een geschikte naam voor een mascotte, heeft het alleraardigste molecuul de naam Blurp gekregen. Om de mascotte een geheel Leidsche aanblik te geven heeft het tevens vrouwelijke wimpers en een aanstekelijke glimlach.

Blurp is dus de mascotte van het inmiddels 41 jaargangen oude verenigingsblad van het Chemisch Dispuut Leiden. Hiermee komt de leeftijd van hét blad der Leidsche chemici dicht in de buurt van de leeftijd die Japie dit jaar bereikt heeft. Natuurlijk is 50 jaar een geweldige prestatie, maar wanneer deze 50 jaar omgezet worden naar een temperatuur van 50° Celsius wordt nog maar eens duidelijk in welke klasse van licht ontvlambare stoffen Japie zich nog bevindt. Hiermee komt het namelijk in vlampunt klasse K2 en bevindt het zich in gezelschap van onder andere benzine, welke een vlampunt toegeschreven wordt van 21-55° Celsius. Deze range van temperaturen is tevens het gebied waarin een stof een klasse K2 wordt genoemd. Dus kan gezegd worden dat Japie nog 5 woelige jaren te gaan heeft in deze klasse voordat het naar de klasse van de stabiele stoffen wordt geplaatst, namelijk klasse K3 voor stoffen met een vlampunt van 55-100° Celsius.

Met onze 81 jaar ervaring wenst het Chemisch Dispuut Leiden ons zusje uit Eindhoven dan ook veel succes in deze laatste jaren van turbulentie en wil haar tevens feliciteren met de reeds behaalde leeftijd. Wij hopen Japie over een vijftal jaar dan ook van harte welkom te heten bij ons in vlampunt klasse K3!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

New intelligent race on earth soon

Researchers have discovered chimpanzees constructing and using tools. The primates were making wooden spears to hunt other primates. To make this tool, the chimps broke off a branch and then strip off all the leaves and side branches. After that some more sophisticated chimps also sharpened the edges with their teeth. This behaviour was most frequently exhibited by female chimps and their children.

For a long time it was thought that only humans were exhibiting these kind of behaviours. Now it seems that the chimps aren't to far off and maybe evolving into another highly intelligent species.

Source: BBC Nature

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Last week

Again a rather busy week seems to be ending now. The CDL held a general meeting, which went very smooth and was over after just 45 minutes (a new record). Wednesday I've visited home because of my father's birthday and Thursday Dr. ir. Mark Overhand was giving a 'borrel' after he won the contest for 'best faculty teacher'.

Also yesterday there was this enormous party. The Betagala was being held in 'Het Blesse Paard' in Stompwijk. Just slightly less than 300 tickets were sold, and therefore the ball was almost sold out. This is a great achievement for the organizing committee.

It also was a pretty nice week for science as Elwin and I proved that when you want to make crystals for proteins you shouldn't shake them while dissolving. This caused the proteins to get packed and results in really bad crystals or no crystals at all. While scanning the crystal which we made without shaking we got some very nice results and where able to convert these results to the protein structure of lysozyme.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

No more telex, more Vista

Time of the telex system is running out. Last week KPN downed the dutch telex network because there weren't enough customers left. Only 200 clients were still using the network that had been introduced in the Netherlands in 1933. New technologies like fax and email caused the telex to become obsolete. The first telex was designed to send text at 5 bits. The transfer speed back in 1933 was 45.5 bit/sec. Which was a rather nice achievement for that time. Now we'll never be able to send telex messages ever again.

Also US computer sales have increased by 173 percent due to Microsoft's Vista release. The increase is measured over the first week of February and compared with one year ago. Computer hardware stores are hoping to be able to fill up sales gaps left from the decrease in sales in the last quarter of 2006.

Friday, February 9, 2007

White Tie

Today I've received my ordered 'White Tie'. A White Tie, also called evening dress, is the most official kind of clothing. Wearing an evening dress is widely spread across Europe as being part of the academic tradition, during graduation ceremonies for example. Apart from that it can also be worn to weddings and state dinners. Now it's just in time for the Bètagala which is being held in Stomwijk next Friday. The party looks very promising and well organised. From my experience as a official ticket seller for this ball, I can say it's going to be sold out.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Farewell Party

Yesterday Chantal and I visited a farewell party dedicated to our rector magnificus Douwe Breimer. After Jan Kijne performed a tribute to Douwe Tour the Funk started playing their funky songs. Not only the attending students were dancing to the music, but also Douwe Breimer made some moves on the dance floor.

In another part of the complex lots of snacks were given away and we also had some oysters. There we had met an old praeses of our student association. We shared some memories on teachers and other associations. When we left from the party we were given a specialy brewed beer called 'Gouwe Douwe'.